
Web3tech crossborder schematic

DFA Common Description

How it works:

  1. The platform operator, exchange providers and regulators install their distributed ledger nodes.
  2. The asset issuer works out resolution on issuing digital financial assets and approves all its conditions with an authorized network participant.
  3. The information about new digital financial assets becomes available to the investors, who operate at the platform with the help of exchange providers. The investors can take part in the initial offering.
  4. Successful initial offering results in digital financial asset emission.
  5. Investors can buy and sell digital financial assets during their secondary circulation. Exchange providers process and match the buy and sell orders here.
  6. Digital financial assets can represent any other assets, such as securities, bonds, derivatives and others. The distributed ledger enables to automate digital assets, e.g., paying coupon bonds.
  7. KYC procedure for investors can be done by either an exchange or a stand-alone provider. For the regulators, the platform can form reports about operations with digital financial assets.

Our advantages:

  1. Investors get innovative financial instruments with a large set of basic assets available.
  2. Digital financial assets can be automated at their tech level.
  3. Blockchain offers native instruments for transaction recording, client accounting, and double-spending prevention.